European Institute of Social and Industrial Engineering

Guidelines for applied research promotion policy – new report of EISIE

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The foundations for applied research promotion policy in Poland are formulated in the new report of EISIE.

A set of basic assumptions are methodically deployed and analysed. In this way two top priorities are identified: to improve the quality of research and researchers, and to tighten the science-society ties, in connection with several broad tasks.

The report consists of the following sections:

  • Introduction – remarks of the methodologies of policy formulation and our poit of view,
  • Prerequisites of policy formulation,
  • Methodology of policy formulation,
  • Guidelines for the policy of applied research promotion.

Last page of the report is the check sheet for the instrument of applied research promotion policy.

The report, titled „The foundations for applied research promotion policy in Poland” is the second report completed at the request of The National Centre for Research and Development (after the first „The practice of innovation and collaboration of enterprises in Poland with science”), and submitted in the beginning of June, 2008. It will be presented soon to the public debate, once the accompanying works on specific measures to foster applied research in Poland are finished.

The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) is a government funded agency. It was established in July 2007 to implement priority tasks in the field of Polish scientific and innovative policy and is a unique state agency to perform public tasks in that area.

The report, in Polish is attached below.

Założenia polityki promocji badań stosowanych.pdf222.61 KB


Founded by three individuals in November, 2006, EISIE is a networking professional body devoted to the application of proven knowledge, standards and best practices in business organisations, public sector and communities. Our research and consulting cover a wide range of topics of productivity improvement, risk management, knowledge acquisition and communication, and efficient social policies. EISIE is entirely independent and therefore it is unlikely to find quick fixes or buzz words here. Instead, there are a lot of basic principles and proven methods in the roots of our research and engineering works, no matter if concerned with business processes, state-of-the-art semantic technologies or reducing unemployment. Actually, EISIE is under organisation. Future authorities will consist of the Board of Trustees and the Science Board. The Board of Trustees will oversee governance and the legal and financial status of the Institute. The Science Board will be responsible for the quality and direction of our research, consulting and engineering works.